The paddling is done... Another 5.30am am wake up, more amazing bacon
butties by Sal and a pre 7am start! Made it to Fort William after a
long but not too hard nine hour / 50 km day. Varied conditions from
tail winds to head winds, rain and then mirror glass water all the way
to the end... Around the half way point Doug's pace suddenly
quickened. I've never seen anyone paddle as fast, accross the mouth of
the Glen Coe valley he sprinted off. I eventually caught up with him
as he dashed up the shore.... The sudden increase of speed wasn't down
to a an excess of energy, it was all because he was bursting for a
pee!! Met Jim Wilson ( x Carlisle canoes ) at the Corran Ferry, how
flukey is that!! Then Sal paddled with us for the last two hours which
was great. Lara met us with champagne at the take out, then I ran
three miles to the camp site at the foot of the Ben, ready for the
final summit tomorrow. In the pub now sampling some local beers. The
fish n chips will arrive any moment.... Wicked...