Saturday, 7 August 2010

Day 20. The job is done....

Just made it to the top of peak three , Ben Nevis at 1344m. Started the morning with one of Carl's famous fry ups, then followed the masses to my final destination. The sun was shining all the way up and the views well worth the effort. The rain and clouds of Snowdon and Scafell Pike long forgotten. A perfect ending to an great trip. The journey is over. What an amazing adventure in our own wilderness.

Three Peaks and 3400m climbed, 450km with 5000m accent by bike, 450km
by kayak, 120000 calories burnt, 250000 strokes paddled and 120000
pedal revolutions.... 23 maps... Wicked... What next? A beer I reckon. Pete xx


  1. Congratulations! Sounds like a cracking trip :-)

  2. Hey Mr Pete!
    Congratulations on this amazing trip, Yann sent me the link, just read the whole thing!



  3. Hi Pete, great trip, well done. Must have just missed you near Arran. The same day you paddled to Arran, I was paddling from Arran.
